Would you pay even 10% of the asking price, of a 15 year stored 1985 Countach that's been left for dead?
http://barnfinds.com/1985-lamborghini-countach-midwest-barn-find/ says it was in a midwest garage for 15 years and the price was $225
http://saleofcar.com/lamborghini-coun/028059 is only asking half that, and got it out of the garage.
it has 6 triple choke Webers on top of a 4 valve per cyl. 5L, 12 cylinder which is claimed to only have 1700 miles... and NO mention of how many problems it has that need fixed for it to run, much less be legal in the USA.
Me? I figure it was smuggled out of Europe in the 80s, bought with drug money by some NJ schmuck in a purple velvet track suit, and never ever made legal for use in the USA. just a guess.
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